Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities

Health and Wellness

Professional Consumer

Speaker Information

Healthy Eating Learn how to improve your lifestyle by eating healthier. Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a fad diet. It is a balance of eating the right foods and the right amount of them. HW6 Aging in Place Safely The speak will identify challenges and risks in your home, while reviewing possible solutions to overcome those risks to make your home safer and more accessible as you age. HW7 Life Beyond Default Begin to recognize and eliminate distractions that take you away from our challenges, focus and opportunities. Create a space to lean well-being and mindful habits. Also discussed are language patterns that create a lasting change and balance. HW8 Gardening for Exercise Getting out in the garden for 30-minutes a day can burn up to 300 calories. Gardening is also an excellent mood stabilizer and stress reliever. Learn from the Master Gardener how to get your body and garden in shape for summer. The speaker will teach you proper stretching and wonderful exercise techniques to protect your body as well as excellent gardening tips for a bountiful garden. HW9 Pilates for Seniors A fun virtual exercise class that helps with whole body movements that you can apply to all aspects of your life. It incorporates fundamentals that help improve mind and body awareness, core strength, balance, decreases pain, reduces physical stress and increases energy. HW10

Gabrielle Houser Oak Steet Health


Jim Whittengton Lifeway Mobility Chicago


Dave LoSavio Personal Development Coach


Suzanne Janusz Destination Fitness


Deb Kamholz Advocate Good Shepard Hospital



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