Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities

Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics



LGBTQ and The Aging Population Identify the disparities in healthcare for the LGBTQ+ populations, and reasons why this population chose not to connect with HCP for their healthcare needs. Identify chronic illness and comorbidities among the LGBTQ+ population. Also include is the definition of the “chosen family” its benefits and disadvantages, and what the healthcare system is doing to rectify the issues. CC6 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA Working with Difficult People Learn the identify the types of difficult people and how to navigate their traits. Become familiar with several types of personality traits within a workplace and how to interact with them. This fun interactive program work help you understand your workplace better! CC7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Recognizing and Reporting Abuse Those working with older adults must complete annual training according to IDPH. IN this hour-long presentation, you will learn the signs and symptoms of physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse and exploitation, and where and who to report your concerns. This program meets IDPH guidelines. CC8 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Sexual Harassment As mandated by the State of Illinois, those in a workplace of 2 or more people must complete annual sexual harassment training. This program will explain and five examples of sexual harassment, whether it is verbal, physical, written, or in text form. The program sites examples of each with video clips to support the samples. Learn how and who to report harassment in the workplace to, and the laws that affect retaliation. CC9 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA



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