Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities
Elderwerks continuing education programming for 2025
2025 Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities
Chris Petrik, RNBS, DCC-CI Dementia Reality Master Trainer Director of Education Chris.Petrik@Elderwerks.org
Arlene Schiff, BSN RN, CDDS-CI Dementia Reality Master Trainer Education Specialist Arlene.Schiff@Elderwerks.org
If you are interested in hosting a CEU underwritten by Elderwerks please fill out the Sponsorship/Host Interest Form Located Here
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
Cultural Competency in Health Care This presentation includes information on generational cultural influences, the older immigrant population, our own cultural biases regarding aging and ethnicity, and how to gather cultural information on each client to better serve them. By increasing our knowledge of cultural differences and how they impact a patient’s perception of illness and medical treatment, it’s possible to increase both patient satisfaction as well as adherence to treatment plans. Explore how cultural differences in practice and care of the person living with dementia and how changing how you think and practice impacts outcomes. CC2 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA Cultural Competency Inclusion and Bias Cultural Diversity and how it affects us every day. Related terms and concepts. The EEOC and it’s important in workplace diversity. Understanding stereotypes & bias. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Asking questions being inclusive and preventing discrimination. Identify the disparities in healthcare for the LGBTQ+ populations, and reasons why this population chose not to connect with HCP for their healthcare needs. Identify chronic illness and comorbidities among the LGBTQ+ population. Also included is the definition of the “chosen family” its benefits and disadvantages, and what the healthcare system is doing to rectify the issues. CC6 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA Working with Difficult People Learn to identify the types of difficult people and how to navigate their traits. Become familiar with several types of personality traits within a workplace and how to interact with them. This fun interactive program work help you understand your CC1 1.0 Cultural/Nurse, SW, NHA Cultural Diversity in Dementia Care CC5 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA LGBTQ and The Aging Population
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
workplace better! CC7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Recognizing and Reporting Abuse
Those working with older adults must complete annual training according to IDPH. IN this hour-long presentation, you will learn the signs and symptoms of physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse and exploitation, and where and who to report your concerns. This program meets IDPH guidelines. CC8 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Managing Clients Fears About Aging: A Legal Point of View Common concerns that Dementia patients have about their money and health; and recognizing when a patient may need assistance to gain a sense of control. CC10 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Romancing for Riches Aggressive young predators look for look for seniors who are alone and have monetary resources. They befriend them, isolate them from their families and they try to take their bank accounts, cars, and property. In this program you will examine the signs of financial exploitation and learn what to do if this happens. Learn about important legal documents as you navigate through financial, medical, and ethical decisions in dementia, the importance of building a good healthcare team, and how capacity is assessed. The terms autonomy, beneficence, maleficence, and justice help define ethical care for a person living with dementia. Also included are issues related to abuse and neglect. CC12 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Difficult Cases Come in All Kinds of Packages Client and family interaction can be frustrating when cooperation with a plan of care is minimal, and progression is slow. Frustration and negative views of your client are normal reactions but can damage the client/HCP relationship. Three case studies will be presented to facilitate discussion, focusing on how mental health and aging worlds collide and ways to approach these cases. Learn ways to CC11 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Ethics and Capacity in Dementia
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
approach these cases with an emphasis on collaboration, strengths, perspective, and self-care for the practitioner. CC 14 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Ethics at End of Life Learn how practitioners can protect themselves in the decision-making chain of command for issues surrounding death. Review who has the right to make decisions on behalf of an incapacitated person and discuss how to protect an incapacitated person’s wishes and avoid a legal dispute. CC15 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Ethics for Professionals Working with Different Cultures Learn about values, beliefs, norms, and ways of life that influence individual’s thinking, decisions, and actions. Learn skills to strengthen and broaden our skillset. Learn what elder abuse is and what you can do when it happens. Learn about the different types of abuse, and what the response is from the state and federal governments to elder abuse. Gain information about your rights as the relate to the elder abuse and neglect acts., and what is happening within your community. CC17 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Questioning Capacity Learn how to determine mental capacity and review the laws in place to protect Review the powers and responsibilities of an agent under Power of Attorney, including what actions the agent legally can and cannot take; discuss the guardianship process and the role, authority, and powers of a guardian; and provide information on legal safeguards we can all take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from neglect, abuse, and financial exploitation. CC19 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA CC16 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Elder Abuse, Fact, Fiction, and Interventions people with capacity issues. CC18 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Outsmarting the Granny Scammers
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
Abuse & Neglect Learn how to identify abuse and neglect in various settings, home, community, or LTC, how to report, and follow up. CC20 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Elder Financial Exploitation Financial abuse against older adults. Who, where, and how to safeguard people from predators. CC21 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Financial Exploitation The Crime of the Century - Seniors are targets of financial exploitation by both professional scammers as well as unscrupulous family members and caregivers. Learn how to protect vulnerable older adults with legal procedures including powers of attorney and guardianship. CC22 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Legal Remedies to Financial Exploitation When undue influence and financial exploitation occurs what can we do? Learn about legal tactics used to help seniors who may have been abused. CC23 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Legal Protection: Planning for Dementia General background on aging population & dementia, legal documents to be put in place to plan for dementia, ramifications of not having docs in place, and how to receive and respond to patients/clients with legal documents in place.
CC24 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Celebrity Estate Battles
Learn about the legal issues resulting from the estate planning missteps of famous celebrities. Discover probate avoidance methods including joint tenancy, trusts, and lifetime gifting. Review when it is appropriate to assign powers of attorney.
CC26 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Powers of Attorney Updates
Updated laws regarding powers of attorney and what that means to you. Review the purpose of advanced directives: Several precarious scenarios will be presented
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
that can arise if powers of attorney are not drafted properly and how to guarantee that does not happen to you. CC27 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Sexual Harassment In accordance with the Illinois Department of Human Resources, this program will meet the requirements for annual training. You will learn about what sexual harassment is, how it is delt with in the workplace, and your rights within the law. CC28 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA A Legal and Medical Perspective Related to Dementia How the legal and medical communities work together with regards to a dementia diagnosis. Learn about the early warning signs of dementia, maintaining safety and when to seek a medical consultation. Also review the legal options available to safeguard an individual with an early or advanced stage dementia diagnosis. CC29 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Dysfunctional Modern Family An elder law attorney will break down family dynamics and offer solutions on how to communicate with families dealing with dementia. Dementia will be addressed in the family system from the court’s perspective, including pre-planning that is available upon a diagnosis of early-stage dementia, through guardianship and deciding who is the best person to act as guardian when the family is fighting. CC32 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Financial Capacity The financial capacity of older adults is a growing issue. Families rely on health care providers to address decision-making skills of their loved ones. When does a family member step in and restrict/remove a loved-one’s freedom to manage their own financial affairs? Learn how to allow the individual to feel like they still have rights and independence while building safeguards to protect their checking account, and working with financial institutions
CC33 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Guardianship and Dementia
An elder law attorney will break down the family dynamic and offer solutions on how to communicate with families dealing with dementia. Dementia will also be
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
addressed in the family system from a court’s perspective, including available pre planning upon a diagnosis of early-stage dementia, through guardianship and deciding who is the best person to act as guardian when the family is fighting. CC34 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Hoarding and the Law After the initial shock of the hordes of "stuff" that lie behind a hoarder’s closed doors, what happens when the law steps in? The complete hoarding continuum, various solutions available such as guardianship, professional’s ethical concerns, housing/landlord issues are discussed, and the legal options for ensuring relapses do not occur. Learn how an elder law attorney compliments the health care team to ensure the disabled person receives the help they need. CC35 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Legal Aspect of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Who is making the decisions when it comes to a client who may or may not have decisional capacity? What ethical issues can arise in various stages of decision making for clients with diminished capacity? CC36 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Understanding Legal Mental Capacity What is legal mental capacity? When is it necessary to have it, and what is needed when it is not present. CC37 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA When Dementia Leads to Drama A discussion about the surprising, complicated, and dramatic situations that families and attorneys have encountered when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia. Uncover the legal methods commonly used to resolve these dilemmas. CC38 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Managing Clients Fears About Aging: A Legal Point of View Common concerns that Dementia patients have about their money and health; and recognizing when a patient may need assistance to gain a sense of control. CC50 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
Guardianship and Advance Directives Learn about the different types of guardianships, when it is appropriate to have the court step in, and how a guardian can protect and manage an older adults’ estate. CC52 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Identifying Implicit Bias in Healthcare All people carry implicit bias with them. Defining implicit bias, explicit bias and other terminology related to culture and inclusion this program will help you understand why we all carry bias with us, where we learned it and how we can be more inclusive and work for equal outcomes for all our patients regardless of their culture. CC54 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Obtaining Cultural Competency and How it Can Change Outcomes Looking at and learning about different cultures, generational differences and how they affect the workplace can help us better understand how our integration and inclusion as staff can create a happier workplace. In this program you will learn about the national response to the opioid crisis, and common opioids used by older adults. Also discussed will be characteristics of opioid use in older adults, pain management in older adults, as well as the type of pain older adults typically have. We will also discuss the benefits and risks of opioids used to treat older adults, and those age-related changes that impact use of opioids in older adults. CC56 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Looking at Opioid Crisis Through a Generational Lens The younger population is not the only generation that has an opioid addiction. Learn the ways different age groups takes the road to opioid addiction, how it affects their lives, the family fall out from addiction and how difficult it is to live “clean.” CC57 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA CC55 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA The Opioid Crisis and the Older Adult
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Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
Diversity, Inclusion, and Bias Objectives include Diversity and how it affects us every day, understanding stereotypes and bias, preventing discrimination, being inclusive and breaking through barriers. CC59 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA Understanding and Successfully Working with Difficult People Understanding difficult behaviors of people, especially those in healthcare, helps us work better with them. if we understand why families and patients are difficult at times, we can end the cycle of conflict and develop strategies for working with difficult people in healthcare. Included will be steps used in conflict resolution. CC60 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Financial / Estate Planning / Social Security / Medicare Don’t Let Dementia Steal Everything Analyze examples of legal issues that arise when a patient’s competency is an issue. Learn how decisions are made for patients with diminished capacity who have no plans in place, overview of guardianship, and necessary estate planning documents and advance directives. FE2 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Veterans Pension & Survivors Pension Attendees will learn about the Veterans & surviving spouse pension along with information on a few other benefits that will help support veterans as they age. (This presentation is provided through Veterans organizations or virtually by an
Elderwerks Education Team
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Elderwerks team member) FE27 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
Cultural Diversity in Dementia Care All cultures are affected by dementia, but each unique culture sees the disease process differently, as well as caregiving for their own. Discuss several cultures and their statistics of dementia, what risks are for that group, and how caregiving either by their family or health care professional impacts outcomes. DC1 1.0 Cultural/ Nurse, SW, NHA Dementia Training for HCP This 1.5 CE program will cover all the requirements for healthcare workers that were initiated in 2023 through IDPH. DC2 1.5 Nurse, SW, NHA, Other HCPs HRSA - Overview Mild Cognitive Impairment Learn about normal vs. non normal aging, mild cognitive impairment and introduction to Alzheimer’s disease and other common dementias. DC3 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Understanding and Providing Care for Early-Stage Dementia Discuss signs and symptoms of early dementia, changes in cognition that are typical of early dementia, and common manifestations that arise in early stage. Discuss general strategies for managing symptoms of dementia. DC4 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
Providing Person-Centered Care Discuss what Person center care is, and the importance of the interprofessional care team’s roles and responsibilities are to achieve this for each person. DC5 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
HRSA – Care and Management of Common Conditions in Middle-Stage Dementia . Discuss common comorbidities with dementia and focus on the three most common. Also discussed is management of incontinence, and pain for those living with dementia. Strategies for caregivers will be discussed. DC7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Medical Treatment of Dementia. Describe the medical management of common comorbid conditions, and the medical interventions recommended. Identify dangerous or inappropriate drugs for a person living with dementia, and the medical management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. DC9 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA- Addressing Behaviors in Dementia Understand why behavioral symptoms may occur, and how they change during the stages of dementia. Learn how to manage and prevent behavioral symptoms. DC10 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Effective Transitions to and From Acute Care Settings Discuss common reasons for hospitalizations and rehospitalizations, risks of hospitalizations for a Person Living with Dementia. Identify ways hospital staff and skilled care staff respond to behavior. The importance of transitional assessment and information and the Importance of transitional report to both a hospital and skilled care setting between home, nursing home and hospital. Learn what transfer trauma is, and how important discharge planning is for the Person Living with Dementia and their outcomes. DC11 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA HRSA – Care and Understanding of Middle-Stage Dementia For the Health Care Professional
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
Discuss and overview of middle stage dementia, including a review of cognitive impairments and behaviors as well as psychological symptoms of dementia. We will then focus on issues that are most likely addressed by healthcare professionals such as nonpharmacological strategies and assessments of the older adult living with middle stage dementia for a variety of safety considerations. In this presentation, we will review dementia, and define depression. Learn how they often co-exist. Learn to differentiate between depression dementia and delirium, as well as strategies to work well when the Person you care for is diagnosed with both. DC13 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA Anxiety and Depression In this program we will review dementia and learn about anxiety. The learner will also learn about the various types of anxiety, symptoms, and treatment. Both can co-exist, so it is important to identify what the person is experiencing and strategies to help them. DC14 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA PTSD, Substance Abuse, and Dementia. This session addresses the conditions of both PTSD and substance abuse, and how the brain’s award system works. As caregivers, learn how to navigate PTSD, Substance abuse and Dementia. DC15 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Mental health and Dementia-When Worlds Collide To effectively help a person living with dementia and a mental illness you need to understand signs and symptoms of both, treatment options and the dynamics of caring for those with a dual diagnosis. DC16 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA DC12 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA Depression and Dementia
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
Understanding and Working with Behaviors in Dementia Care Caring for a Person Living with Dementia experiencing behaviors can be difficult. Understanding why behaviors occur and strategies to prevent behaviors is important to the outcomes. Interaction with the person and identifying triggers will help the person become less anxious, reducing behaviors. Learn strategies that can help avoid using pharmacological strategies for behaviors. DC18 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Understanding The World of Dementia Define what dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other related dementias. What is normal vs. non-normal aging. Discuss what differentiates reversable vs. irreversible dementia, and how the brain changes with dementia. Learn to recognize how dementia affects people differently, and how we can meet them in their world. In this session we will discuss what FTD is, its pathology, and the key differences between FTD and Alzheimer’s disease. Learn about the variants of FTD, along with sign, symptoms, course, and treatment. DC21 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Care and Management of Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia This program geared both for professionals and consumers will discuss Parkinson’s Disease, how Parkinson’s disease affects the brain, and signs and symptoms of the disease. We will learn the differentiation of Parkinson’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Also covered will be tips and strategies for caregivers and those living with Parkinson’s Disease. DC22 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Lewy Body Dementia Learn the difference between Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Lewy Body Dementia. Discuss statistics and risk factors for LB. Also discussed are diagnosis and pathology, symptom management such as hallucinations and delusions. Because a person living with LB is at risk for falls, prevention of falls as well as other strategies will be discussed. DC20 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Frontotemporal Dementia
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
DC23 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Younger On-Set Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Loss To understand younger onset ALZ, a good understanding of the disease that typically strikes older adults is important and will help of a better understanding of younger onset Alzheimer’s disease, what is considered younger onset, and how family coping is changed when a younger member of the family is diagnosed. Family dynamics change, finances change, and a family is thrown into a world they are not familiar with. DC24 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA The Three “D” s of Confusion Dementia, Depression, and Delirium Define dementia, depression and delirium, their symptoms, and diagnosis of these conditions. Learn therapeutic and medical approaches to the Three “D” s, and gain strategies for approaching a person who is experiencing these. DC25 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Differentiating Between the Most Common Forms of Dementia. In this program you will learn about the most common forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, Dementia Lewy Bodies, Parkinson’s disease, and Frontal Temporal dementia. We will discuss risk factors, associated risk, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as care strategies. DC26 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Discharge Planning for a Person Living with Dementia This program will review dementia, and introduce you to Reisberg’s Theory of Retrogenesis, and how this impacts care in and preparing for discharge. Discussed will be when to initiate a discharge plan and connecting with family and gaining knowledge about the person living with dementia, as well as including them in a timely fashion about discharge plans. DC27 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Dementia Care
Use and Misuse of Psychotropic Medications in Dementia Care This program will discuss what psychotropic medication is, conditions that they trat, and their use in care of a person living with dementia. Discussed will be the prevalence of these medications, black box warnings, side effects and adverse events when using these medications. Learn alternative treatments and OBRA and CMS guidelines. DC28 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Exploring Other Forms of Dementia - Huntington Disease, Creutzfeldt Jakob’s Disease, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Explore other less common forms of Dementia. The program will include diagnosis, treatment, outcomes, and caregiver strategies for these three forms of dementia. DC31 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Communication and Being with a Person Living with Dementia In order to communicate with a person living with dementia, it is important to understand the mechanics and the normal flow of communication, and how those changes when a person has dementia. We will discuss unique needs of a PLWD and strategies for communicating more effectively with them. Learn to look for the meaning in their verbal and non-verbal communication. DC32 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Navigating Change: A Guide to Addressing Physical and Cognitive Changes in Our Aging Adults Learn how to identify physical, cognitive, and mental changes in older adults, what’s normal aging vs. concerning symptoms, and how to discuss plans for future needs. DC33 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Communication / Brain Function / Aging well
Understanding the Brain In this program you will learn about the brain, as the central control center, and how it affects everyday living. Learn the lobes of the brain, their function, what neurons and synapses are and what happens when your brain no longer works correctly. Learn how different diseases or injuries can change your
concentration, and memory. CB1 1.5 Nurse, SW, NHA Brain Health
In this interactive program we will discuss what normal vs. non normal aging of the brain, signs of cognitive impairment and what you can improve your brain function. The speaker will discuss the six pillars of brain health, brain plasticity and tips and tricks to encourage positive changes in the brain. CB2 1.5 Nurse, SW, NHA Isolation, Loneliness, and the Importance of Connectiveness Research has found that there can be profound changes in the brain because of social isolation and loneliness. These changes include physical, cognitive, and mental health changes. As we discuss the most vulnerable groups for loneliness and isolation, discuss evidence-based interventions for combating loneliness. CB3 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA The Importance of Human Connection and Dementia In this program we will define what the human connection entails, and the importance of having this connection. Learn to connect with those living with dementia through various modalities. CB5 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Geriatric Depression Depression is not a part of the aging process, but many older adults suffer from anxiety and depression. Hear Dr. Joshua LaVigne’s perspective on this topic and treatment options. CB7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Communication / Brain Function / Aging well
Isolation and the Effects of Loneliness In this program we will discuss the difference between loneliness and isolation, its effect on the human body and how that evolves in the older adult. What as a community or as an individual we can do to reach out to those who are alone or isolated. CB8 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Effective Communication: Understanding How We Can Positively Connect with Others In this program, Chris will talk about the mechanics of communication, types of communication and how our emotions can change how we affect communication. Learn techniques for making those positive connections. CB9 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Psychology of Aging and the Quality of Life Chris will discuss the idea of successful aging, with an understanding that it has different meaning for each person. Discuss the physical and psychological dynamics of aging. Review Erickson’s stages of development and the impact it may have on the older adult. And finally, how attitude and gratitude can keep your heart young. CB13 Healthy Aging: Memory Loss Versus Dementia In this program you will learn the difference between normal versus non-normal aging, and what part of the human brain plays a role in the aging process. You will learn how the aging process relates to cognition, and how food, stress and exercise impact our health and memory. The program will introduce some memory strategies. CB14 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Benefits of Laughter This interactive program will show evidence-based information on how laughter can cause positive changes in every system of your body. Understand the difference between laughter and humor and complete the program with an introduction to laughter therapy. CB15 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Elderwerks Education Team
Communication / Brain Function / Aging well
Don’t Fall Short on Safety In this program a discussion of typical causes of falls in older adults & potential outcomes. Various statistics show as an older adult we need to keep ourselves standing! She will highlight several federal programs for falls and safety. CB16 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA Fall Prevention: I’m Still Standing Falling is a widespread concern in health care and for those in the community. Join us and learn many ways you can lower your fall risk through understanding risky behaviors. CB17 Effective Communication: Understanding How to Positively Connect with Others Some people are born communicators while others struggle. This program discusses the normal thread of communication, barriers to communication, and challenges when others are difficult to communicate with. Learn how to effectively communicate, making positive connections along the way, and how this may impact your social and business life. CB18 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA Hospice / Pain Management / Caregiving / Self Care When Dementia Has a Place at Your Holiday Table Whether you are a consumer or educating family members, this is an important topic around the holidays. Discussion on how to prepare ahead of time for the Person Living with Dementia (PLWSD), making the environment safe, and comfortable for that person, and when to start the discussion that “going home for the holidays” is too stressful an event for the PLWD. HP1
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External Professional
Elderwerks Education Team
Hospice / Pain Management / Caregiving / Self Care Communicating End-of-Life Wishes Experts agree the time to discuss your views about end-of-life care, and to learn about the end-of-life care choices available before a life-limiting illness occurs or a crisis happens. By preparing in advance, you can help reduce the doubt or anxiety related to making decisions for your family member when they cannot speak for themselves. Let’s review the steps to share with your friends and family. HP3 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA The ABC’s and 123’s of Caregiver Planning for Today and Tomorrow! If you think about your loved one (or friend) requiring care at least once a day, you are a caregiver! Attend this program to explore the resources and solutions of caregiving challenges. HP4 The Benefits of Pet Therapy Lively discussion of all the ways pets enhances our lives, our health, and our emotions. Learn about therapy dogs and all the ways they help very diverse people-from hospitals to domestic violence victims to seniors. HP5 Caregiving: The First Year and Beyond Caregiving is stressful, whether it is planned or unplanned. However, the first year may be the toughest, as you are finding yourself in this new role. Learn what happens when you assess that a person needs a caregiver and you become that caregiver. Learn about the importance of services to keep yourself healthy, and ways to decrease stress and the importance of self-care. Techniques and breathing exercise will be included. HP6 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Palliative and End of Life Care for Person’s Living with Dementia Palliative care and end of life care may look different in dementia care. Discuss signs and symptoms of end-stage dementia, the difference between palliative and end of life care, and several end-of-life goals for the person living with dementia. Learn the role of the health care team in end-of-life care. HP7 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA
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Hospice / Pain Management / Caregiving / Self Care Dilemmas of Caregiving from Burnout to Self-Care Caregiving whether professional or being a caregiver for a loved one can be very trying, exhausting and can lead to Bur n out. In this program the staggering statistics relating to Caregiver in America will be discussed, the various roles caregivers play, and their importance in positive outcomes, how stress of the caregiver can lead to burn out. Discussed will be the signs of burnout, and some strategies on ho Dilemmas of Caregiving from Burnout to Self-Care w to prevent burnout. HP11 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA
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Moving / Downsizing / Aging in Place
Collector, Hoarder, or Just Too Much Stuff Attendees will learn hoarding, hoarding behavior, successful support, and resources. MD1 1.5 SW Aging in Place Tips Aging in place includes home modification, technology, and safety tips necessary to keep someone safe at home and thrive. MD2 1.0 SW
Elderwerks CE Policy for Sponsors In our continued effort to present the highest quality educational events, an administrative fee will be charged by Elderwerks. Please contact an Advisor for more information on costs. Payment is required 30 days prior to the program. Elderwerks regularly underwrites CEs for nurses, social workers, professional counselors, and nursing home administrators. We provide CEs for other professions including PTs, OTs, Dietitians, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Marriage and Family Counselors, certified case managers, and others on a case-by-case basis and for an additional fee. Please contact events@elderwerks.org. Requirements for a CE with Elderwerks • Elderwerks prefers 60 to 90 days to market a successful event. • When coordinating a CE, all sponsors must be approved by Elderwerks. • Elderwerks does not allow competitive organizations to attend our educational events. New Speaker • The Objectives Form is to be filled out and submitted prior to acceptance of any new topic and/or speaker. • The speaker’s biography and photo are required to promote the event. • The Power Point is due a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the CE to be sent to Elderwerks. • A list of questions for the post-test required 4 weeks prior to the CE including 10 multiple-choice questions with four answer choices (A, B, C, D) with only 1 correct answer highlighted. Only 1 question can be true/false. We can help with this process. • The Director of Education will approve the speaker and topic within 48 hours of receipt of the Objectives Form and biography. • Once the CE is approved by the Director of Education, with your permission, we may offer it to other Elderwerks partners. Elderwerks then manages and underwrites the CE event. Processes for an In-Person Elderwerks CE Event • Elderwerks takes all RSVP's at events@elderwerks.org. • We may promote the CE in our educational newsletter. • Elderwerks logo must be included on all marketing materials. • The statement "CEs provided by Elderwerks Educational Services" is to be included in all materials.
• We will distribute flyers, if available. • All sponsors are to promote the event. • All attendees must sign in on the Elderwerks registration form.
• Elderwerks will distribute promotional materials as appropriate. • Elderwerks will provide a short overview of Elderwerks’ services prior to the start of the CE presentation. • All attendees are required to complete an Evaluation Form following the CE presentation. • Elderwerks will collect the completed Evaluation Forms and distribute CE Certificates immediately following the presentation. • A copy of the attendees list will be emailed to the sponsors by Elderwerks. • If there are less than 12 RSVPs, Elderwerks reserves the right to cancel the CE with 24 hours’ notice. • The speaker is asked to print and bring any handouts to the CE presentation. Processes for a Virtual Elderwerks CE Event • Elderwerks manages all RSVP's at events@elderwerks.org. • We may promote the CE in our educational newsletter. • Elderwerks logo must be included on all marketing materials. • The statement "CEs provided by Elderwerks Educational Services" is to be included in all materials. • We will distribute flyers, if available. • All sponsors are to promote the event. • Elderwerks manages the virtual CE event utilizing a Zoom webinar format. • Elderwerks will provide the webinar link upon registration. • Elderwerks will send a reminder to registrants via email 24 hours prior to the CE. • Elderwerks will provide a short overview of Elderwerks’ services prior to the start of the CE presentation. • Attendees are required to complete an Evaluation Form. • Attendees are required to complete and pass a post-test. • Once the post-test is passed and the evaluation form has been received, the Certificate of Attendance is available in their personal online file. • A copy of the attendees list will be emailed to the sponsors by Elderwerks. • If there are less than 12 RSVPs, Elderwerks reserves the right to cancel the CE with 24 hours’ notice. Elderwerks charges each attendee $15.00 for a 1-hour CE $30.00 for a 2-hour CE $40.00 for a 3-hour CE All presentations created by Elderwerks Educational Services and our professional partners are copyrighted and not for distribution. Handouts may not be available from each speaker.
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