Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities

Professional Consumer Speaker and Contact Information

Communication / Brain Function / Aging well

Understanding Brain Injuries and Concussions Attendees will learn about injuries that can occur to the brain, the competency after an injury, and expectations and outcomes. CB6 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Geriatric Depression Depression is not a part of the aging process, but many older adults suffer from anxiety and depression. Here Dr. Josh’s perspective on this topic and treatment options. CB7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Isolation and the Effects of Loneliness In this program we will discuss the difference between loneliness and isolation, its effect on the human body and how that evolves in the older adult. What as a community or as an individual we can do to reach out to those who are alone or isolated. CB8 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Effective Communication: Understanding How We Can Positively Connect with Others In this program, Chris will talk about the mechanics of communication, types of communication and how our emotions can change how we effect communicate. Learn techniques for making those positive connections. CB9 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Communication for Real Estate Professionals Often, real Estate professionals are working with clients that are forced to sell their house because those caring for them in home can no longer mean their needs. For others, it is downsizing, and others it is because the homeowner has cognitive issues. Whatever the reason, learn how to connect with older adults and their families making sure that the homeowner is always included in the conversation. CB10

Dr. Joshua LaVigne

Dr. Joshua LaVigne

Chris Petrik RNBS CDI Elderwerks

Chris Petrik RNBS CDI Elderwerks

Chris Petrik RNBS CDI Elderwerks



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