Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities
External Professional
Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
that can arise if powers of attorney are not drafted properly and how to guarantee that does not happen to you. CC27 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Sexual Harassment In accordance with the Illinois Department of Human Resources, this program will meet the requirements for annual training. You will learn about what sexual harassment is, how it is delt with in the workplace, and your rights within the law. CC28 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA A Legal and Medical Perspective Related to Dementia How the legal and medical communities work together with regards to a dementia diagnosis. Learn about the early warning signs of dementia, maintaining safety and when to seek a medical consultation. Also review the legal options available to safeguard an individual with an early or advanced stage dementia diagnosis. CC29 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Dysfunctional Modern Family An elder law attorney will break down family dynamics and offer solutions on how to communicate with families dealing with dementia. Dementia will be addressed in the family system from the court’s perspective, including pre-planning that is available upon a diagnosis of early-stage dementia, through guardianship and deciding who is the best person to act as guardian when the family is fighting. CC32 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Financial Capacity The financial capacity of older adults is a growing issue. Families rely on health care providers to address decision-making skills of their loved ones. When does a family member step in and restrict/remove a loved-one’s freedom to manage their own financial affairs? Learn how to allow the individual to feel like they still have rights and independence while building safeguards to protect their checking account, and working with financial institutions
CC33 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Guardianship and Dementia
An elder law attorney will break down the family dynamic and offer solutions on how to communicate with families dealing with dementia. Dementia will also be
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