Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities

Elderwerks Education Team

Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics Ethics for Professionals Working with Different Cultures Learn about values, beliefs, norms, and ways of life that influence individual’s thinking, decisions, and actions. Learn skills to strengthen and broaden our skillset. Learn what elder abuse is and what you can do when it happens. Learn about the different types of abuse, and what the response is from the state and federal governments to elder abuse. Gain information about your rights as the relate to the elder abuse and neglect acts., and what is happening within your community. CC17 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Questioning Capacity Learn how to determine mental capacity and review the laws in place to protect people with capacity issues. CC18 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Outsmarting the Granny Scammers Review the powers and responsibilities of an agent under Power of Attorney, including what actions the agent legally can and cannot take; discuss the guardianship process and the role, authority, and powers of a guardian; and provide information on legal safeguards we can all take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from neglect, abuse, and financial exploitation. CC19 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Abuse & Neglect Learn how to identify abuse and neglect in various settings, home, community, or LTC, how to report, and follow up. CC20 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Elder Financial Exploitation Financial abuse against older adults. Who, where, and how to safeguard people from predators. CC21 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA CC16 1.0 Cultural & Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Elder Abuse, Fact, Fiction, and Interventions

Professional Consumer


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