Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities
External Professional
Elderwerks Education Team
Cultural Competency, Ethics, & Legal Topics
workplace better! CC7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Recognizing and Reporting Abuse
Those working with older adults must complete annual training according to IDPH. IN this hour-long presentation, you will learn the signs and symptoms of physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse and exploitation, and where and who to report your concerns. This program meets IDPH guidelines. CC8 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Managing Clients Fears About Aging: A Legal Point of View Common concerns that Dementia patients have about their money and health; and recognizing when a patient may need assistance to gain a sense of control. CC10 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA Romancing for Riches Aggressive young predators look for look for seniors who are alone and have monetary resources. They befriend them, isolate them from their families and they try to take their bank accounts, cars, and property. In this program you will examine the signs of financial exploitation and learn what to do if this happens. Learn about important legal documents as you navigate through financial, medical, and ethical decisions in dementia, the importance of building a good healthcare team, and how capacity is assessed. The terms autonomy, beneficence, maleficence, and justice help define ethical care for a person living with dementia. Also included are issues related to abuse and neglect. CC12 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Difficult Cases Come in All Kinds of Packages Client and family interaction can be frustrating when cooperation with a plan of care is minimal, and progression is slow. Frustration and negative views of your client are normal reactions but can damage the client/HCP relationship. Three case studies will be presented to facilitate discussion, focusing on how mental health and aging worlds collide and ways to approach these cases. Learn ways to CC11 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA Ethics and Capacity in Dementia
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