Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities
External Professional
Elderwerks Education Team
Hospice / Pain Management / Caregiving / Self Care Communicating End-of-Life Wishes Experts agree the time to discuss your views about end-of-life care, and to learn about the end-of-life care choices available before a life-limiting illness occurs or a crisis happens. By preparing in advance, you can help reduce the doubt or anxiety related to making decisions for your family member when they cannot speak for themselves. Let’s review the steps to share with your friends and family. HP3 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA The ABC’s and 123’s of Caregiver Planning for Today and Tomorrow! If you think about your loved one (or friend) requiring care at least once a day, you are a caregiver! Attend this program to explore the resources and solutions of caregiving challenges. HP4 The Benefits of Pet Therapy Lively discussion of all the ways pets enhances our lives, our health, and our emotions. Learn about therapy dogs and all the ways they help very diverse people-from hospitals to domestic violence victims to seniors. HP5 Caregiving: The First Year and Beyond Caregiving is stressful, whether it is planned or unplanned. However, the first year may be the toughest, as you are finding yourself in this new role. Learn what happens when you assess that a person needs a caregiver and you become that caregiver. Learn about the importance of services to keep yourself healthy, and ways to decrease stress and the importance of self-care. Techniques and breathing exercise will be included. HP6 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Palliative and End of Life Care for Person’s Living with Dementia Palliative care and end of life care may look different in dementia care. Discuss signs and symptoms of end-stage dementia, the difference between palliative and end of life care, and several end-of-life goals for the person living with dementia. Learn the role of the health care team in end-of-life care. HP7 1.0 Ethics/ Nurse, SW, NHA
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