Elderwerks Continuing Education Opportunities

External Professional

Elderwerks Education Team

Dementia Care

HRSA – Care and Management of Common Conditions in Middle-Stage Dementia . Discuss common comorbidities with dementia and focus on the three most common. Also discussed is management of incontinence, and pain for those living with dementia. Strategies for caregivers will be discussed. DC7 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Medical Treatment of Dementia. Describe the medical management of common comorbid conditions, and the medical interventions recommended. Identify dangerous or inappropriate drugs for a person living with dementia, and the medical management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. DC9 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA- Addressing Behaviors in Dementia Understand why behavioral symptoms may occur, and how they change during the stages of dementia. Learn how to manage and prevent behavioral symptoms. DC10 1.0 Nurse, SW, NHA HRSA - Effective Transitions to and From Acute Care Settings Discuss common reasons for hospitalizations and rehospitalizations, risks of hospitalizations for a Person Living with Dementia. Identify ways hospital staff and skilled care staff respond to behavior. The importance of transitional assessment and information and the Importance of transitional report to both a hospital and skilled care setting between home, nursing home and hospital. Learn what transfer trauma is, and how important discharge planning is for the Person Living with Dementia and their outcomes. DC11 1.0 Nurses, SW, NHA HRSA – Care and Understanding of Middle-Stage Dementia For the Health Care Professional


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